
EXEDY Participated In The TOKYO AUTO SALON 2014.

EXEDY participated in the Tokyo Auto Salon 2014 from January 10th-12th, 2014 at the Makuhari Messe. Within three days, more than 290,000 people had made their way into the show making it a large success for both attendees and companies that displayed.

The newly developed "Hyper Single VF" was on display where many customers were able to see for themselves the high quality of engineering and design up close. The EXEDY 86 was on display where customers were able to sit inside and test the clutch pedal feeling of the Hyper Single VF for themselves.
Another main attraction was the 2013 Super GT GT500 series champion ZENT CERUMO SC430 where the bright red machine caught the eyes of many.

Hyper Single VF demonstration video and display product line-up
Hyper Single VF demonstration video and display product line-up
Tetsuya Yamano talk show
Yuji Tachikawa and Kohei Hirate autograph session
Tetsuya Yamano talk show
Yuji Tachikawa and Kohei Hirate autograph session

January 11th and 12th held the events of 2013 All Japan Gymkhana Class PN-3 Champion Tetsuya Yamano as well as the 2013 Super GT GT500 Class champions Yuji Tachikawa and Kohei Hirate talk show and autograph sessions.

Thank you to all who came by the booth this year!

Tokyo Auto Salon 2014 Outline

Homepage : http://www.tokyoautosalon.jp
Location Makuhari Messe (Chiba)
Vendors 428 Companies (452 companies the previous year)
Display Cars 840 Cars (802 cars the previous year)
Attendance 3 Day total 296,714 (282,659 previous year)